Saturday, March 28, 2009

lots of stuff!

Life has been pretty crazy around here.   Andy's been working a ton.  I'm beta testing the Pre (and loving it!), Sydney has school, softball, cheerleading and gymnastics and Foster...  Well, Foster is VERY busy.  He's exploring the world, eating lots of different foods, oh and he's been expressing his opinion. A lot. 

Sydney is still loving kindergarten and is enjoying softball as well.  This morning she wasn't feeling well, so we missed today's game.  She was feeling better by later today, hence the basketball shot.  She was shooting baskets with Andy when I got done feeding Foster before bed... so I had to get in there right away and go over her form with her.  She responded really well and was even "following through" by the time we were done.  She's a very determined girl!

Foster is growing a ton (today a guy thought he was 2 1/2 rather than the 10 months he is) and eating a lot.  He's pretty much off baby food and on table food these days.  He's also saying "ball", "mama", "dada" and "Issy" (sissy) fairly regularly.  He will also give you a high-five. He's learned what "no" means, even if he doesn't always listen.  :-) 

Andy's working away on the Pre and I am doing my part to help by doing some beta testing.  So far, I am preferring it to the iPhone.

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